" JKL "

The Jesus & Mary Chain
"Psycho Candy"
What's this? J & M Chain, Stoner Rock?? Have I gone in-sane??? Well, yes, and no. Psycho Candy is the only J & M Chain disk that I own, so I'm not completely nuts, but it's one of my top 10 records of ALL TIME so, maybe I am a little crazy about it. The songs are vague, cryptic, and might be about fucking, getting fucked over, being hung over, or admiring one's own sexy-ness on a motorcycle, I'm never quite sure. Nuseatingly catchy cords, riffs, & changes, comletely destroyed by feedback and distortion, sarcastic vocals, delivered with an "I'd rather be fucking" dettachment, Hell, even the drummer sounds bored. Listening to Psycho Candy is like hearing the Beach Boys drown in heroin.


The Leroy Fix
"A Redress of Grievances" CDR
These guys are a lot of fun to see live. They've got a real 1970's honky-tonk blues-rock thing going on. They kicked my ass with a cover of "Whole Lotta Rosie" the last time I saw them, and I'm not usually impressed by cover songs. The CDR, on the other hand, doesn't do much for me for some reason. Except for the final track, "The Nietzsche Song." which totally rules, and has a stoner-rock-anthem quality to it. You should see these guys live if you get a chance, you will be very entertained.


"If This is the best Ya Got... We Want Our Souls Back."
I bought this CD when I saw these guys open up for Smoke, and it's pretty great stuff. Very frantic & frenetic, and even a little bit crazy, but still in the Stoner Rock catagory. The vocals are nuts.


"Ode to Io"
These guys sound like Kyuss never died, but instead moved to Sweden & changed their name to Lowrider. Needless to say, I love it.


Le Seigneur Diabolique
"Echoes" CDR
Not exactly "Stoner Rock" but definitely one of my favorite things to listen to while stoned. Layered tones & samples, with beats & loops & all kinds of crazy crap going on. Makes me feel all spacey & shit. Available HERE only.

" M "

Magnified Eye
"The Last Sun"
These guys sound like Tool, who I only kind of like, but, since these guys only kind of sound like Tool, I think I like them a little better than Tool.


Mammoth Volume
"Noara Dance"
Even though it's intolerably mellow at times, this CD has some great moments. It's got some heaviness here & there, can be Led Zep-esque, & really Stonery sometimes too.


"Astrum Argentinum"
This CD is a non-stop droning doom-fest & the potential sound track to your horrible on screen death. No recognizable instrumentation or intelligible lyrics to get in the way of the pure noise enjoyment.


Self Titled
These guys are from Boston, so I automatically like them. The fact that this EP kicks ass from beginning to end doesn't hurt their case much either! I highly recommend this one for folks who like faster stuff, with some catchy lyrics, and a little pop sensibilty tossed in every once in a while. Plus, I want to go on record as saying that
"Nipplemountain Clampdown"
is maybe the greatest song title EVER.


Mirror of Deception

"Mirror Soil"
This effort is mostly too mellow-dramatic for my tastes, but these German Doomsters snagged me with one track, titled "Dreams of Misery," that has some cool vocals, & is a pretty darn catchy little tune.


Self Titled & "Five Wheel Drive"
Not to be confused with America's rapping Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliot, these 5 chicks from Germany totally rock, with guitars & stuff. Comparisons to The Runaways would be too obvious, so I'm making one now: They remind me of The Runaways, only more stonery. The vocals hit the same note endlessly, making these guys a "one-to-three songs in a row only" band for me, but I'll listen to any one to three songs from either of these releases, because each song rules equally as much as the next. John Garcia from Kyuss sings background vocals on the track "Love Song," which amounts to a teeny tiny voice way in the distance wailing "woa woa woa" occasionally, but I'll take what I can get.


"Greetings from the Bonneville Salt Flats"
This CD started out strong, but ultimately seemed lost between punk & metal to me, & not exactly kicking my ass as either, with the exception of a cool cover of "Something to Do," which is one of my all-time favorite Ramones songs. It's a pretty straight cover, just a little louder & raunchier than the original, but it's still really great to hear it.


Mushroom River Band
"Music for the World Beyond"
Mushroom River Band is one of those bands from Northern Europe that makes me imagine that Kyuss must have done a couple of HELLA GOOD tours over there that were very well attended by very good rock musicians. Both musically, & vocally, MRB is Kyuss-esque only a lot rougher, tougher, faster & meaner. Both titles contain sleeper hits galore, and if American rock radio was ANY GOOD AT ALL, Mushroom River Band would be a household name.


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Send Material for Review to:

Stu Helm
c/o ChicagoStonerRock.com
1573 N. Milwaukee Ave., PMB 488
Chicago, IL 60622


"Demo" CDR, Live at The Double Door on July 4th, & "Migration" CD

Members of Buried at Sea are originally from Florida, but moved to Chicago, because this town kicks ass. My roommate brought home their Demo last spring, & it also kicks ass, so I think the move up North was a provident one. Slow, murky, & brutal, Buried at Sea is the musical equivalent of those big red & white pills that you take in Grand Theft Auto; Vice City that make you move slo-mo, while making you stronger than ever, & increasing your killing potential. Brian, from the band describes the music as, "songs of war & drowning."

The Demo is hard to find, so good luck, but the new "Migration" CD has some of the same tunes, only more produced, with new vocals (that my roommate describes as "Yobbish"), & spooky sounds added to send a chill up your spine. It's really great, & parts of it give SUNN0))) a run for their money in the "continuous tones of doom" department. It should be available everywhere soon, so ask for it by name.

In the meantime, go see these guys live if you can, they rocked the Double Door when I saw them play with Pelican & High on Fire on July 4th. They were so slow at moments that it felt like time froze. In a good way.


"Live at The Double Door on August 29th, 2003
w/ Unknown Hinson

I wish I had been taping at this show, because then I would have been able to catch everything my friend Wes said about Steepwater after they played, and I wouldn't have to write this review at all, because I could just quote him. Instead I'll just say, Steepwater fucking rocked my ass off, and sounded like Zep meets the delta blues. The two guitars/singers were on fire, and one of them played some mean harmonica & tambourine too. The bass player was cracking me up, because he never once stopped marching in-place to the beat. He was on an unending march for rock and roll, Man.

hat Wes said was so awesome that I really wish I could just quote him. I'll try to para-phrase him as best I can. He said something like:

Stu, I've worked in a lot of bars & nightclubs for a lot of years, and I've seen literally hundreds of guitar players come through, some are good, some are great, but Jeff Massey (of Steepwater) is by far the best guitar player I've ever seen or heard.

He said a lot more than that, but that was the gist, and good gad damn, if he isn't right! He also told me to check out their web site, which I did, and it's one of the better band sites I've seen. Check 'em out at:

And check 'em out live every time they play!

I thought Unknown Hinson was awful, so I left during his set, but my roommate, Sean thought he was awesome, and even video-taped him, so whatever.



Live at The Note on July 31st, & "Early Man" CD

Tummler is from Champaign, IL, but call both Chicago & St. Louis home as well. I went to see them on a tip from another local band, 18 Speed Tranny, & I'm glad I did. These guys launched a heavy sonic stoner space metal attack on the audience, with strange , but excellent vocals that lie somewhere between Wino & James Hetfield. Their closing number was a longer, slower song, which was the highlight of their set for me. My friend Amy agreed, even though she was mostly there to see The Good God Damns, who were the first band to play, & were pretty good, goddamn it!

I bought Tummler's CD at the show, & it was a wise purchase. The six tracks listed are great, & the two secret bonus tracks are even greater than that. It's on Small Stone records, which pretty much tells you that you can't go wrong, right?



" N "

Sometimes I want to hear songs. At other times, I just want to hear sounds. This CD satisfies that 2nd craving. Especially the 4th track, which is just fifteen seconds short of being a half-hour in length, & is a churning, droning, slowly exploding battle to the death between giant sized monsters created by rogue atoms in a nuclear nightmare gone horribly wrong. I think the Earth survives though, so it's Okay.


Unfortunately these guys broke up & this CD doesn't even come close to revealing how awesome they were live. With nothing but vocals, one guitar, & drums -- no bass -- .these guys were one of the heaviest acts around for a the few seconds that they existed. The CD might still be available here & there, & is definitely worth having, even though it's much less heavy than the live shows. I heard a rumor that two of these guys were starting a new band called Weird Beard a few years ago, but I never heard anything else about it. Bummer.


"Ciudada de Brahman" & "Delmar"
Natas sounds a lot like Kyuss, only more mellow, but not too mellow, and in Spanish. The over all feel of both of these CDs is like a heavy version of Exotica music, only without the cheesy sound effects. The Natas sound is almost as if Arthur Lymon was alive, & cool, & in a really great stoner band, from Argentina. The first disc is slightly underproduced, but it still rules. Both discs, and probably anything by Natas, are must-have material.


"To The Center"
A stoner rock classic. Don't shame your entire family by not owning this CD.


" O "

Operator : Generator
"Polar Fleet"
This is one of my favorite CDs, but I don't know why. Maybe it's the cryptic lyrics, or the boring guitars, or near total lack of personality to the vocals. Or even the CD packaging itself, which has no photos or info about the band. Maybe I like the mystery as much as the music, which despite what I just wrote, is really good.


"Sevastra" advanced sampler
I'm just going to come staight out and say it: Otep rules because she has the most insanely non-girlie vocals EVER. When she talks, & sometimes when she sings, she sounds like a regular girl, but then a change happens, and... holy shit... unleash the demons. The music is pretty slick, & not always my cup of tea, but when Otep rips into her voacl thing, my nuts start to vibrate, and it's ALL GOOD.


" P "

Plastic Crimewave & The Fake
"Live at the Hideout" CDR
These are our local garage, psych, rock gurus, who have been compared to Chrome, Twink, The Nomads, & even Sabbath! The liveness of this recording causes the quality of the sound to suffer, but if you can still find it, I'd still recommend it.

" Q "

The Quill
Self Titled
& "Voodoo Caravan"
Totally kick-ass rock & roll that sounds like Led Zep never died. Comes dangerously close to sounding like G 'n' F 'n' R at moments, but stays clearly in the realm of kicking ass most of the time. Highlights on disc one are "Sweetly," A Sinner's Fame," and "Lodestar." (Listen for the "splat" on that last tune!) Spotlights on the second disc include the title track & "Shapes of Afterlife."

" R "

Red Giant
"Ultra-magnetic Glowing Sound"
This was my surprise favorite for a while, & sill ranks high on my list of CDs worth owning. It took me a while to figure out that the echo-plex is responsible for all the weird guitar noises, which made me respect it even more, because those things are hard to master, especially to the degree that this band has. There's a lot of stuff going on, & many changes on this record, & it does tend to noodle around at times, but it's got some future classics in there for sure.


Red Harvest
"Sick Transit Gloria Mundi"
A little more techno than I usually go for, but I fell in love with the bone crunching noises & hopeless outlook on humanity. The title track, along with "Dead" & "Dead men Don't Rape" are the highlights. WARNING: Press the "stop" button before the bonus tracks begin, or suffer in techno remix hell!!!


" S "

The Sabians
What can I say about the Sabians, except that I had HIGH HOPES for this one, seeing as how it has Chris Hakius & Justin Marler from Sleep on it, but it was not like Sleep at allt. Far far from it, in fact. Like, the opposite of Sleep. Most Un-Sleep-Like, indeed. As a whole, I found this CD to be too poppy for me, but it does have great moments , including what sounds lik a heavy version of the folk standard "Will the Circle be Unbroken," titled here, "Broken Circle."


Scene Killer
Self Titled CD
Another super group, this time made up of people from Solarized, The Atomic Bitchwax, Core, Monster Magnet, & Others. Annoyingly detailed liner notes don't detract from the undeniable greatness of the music. Heavy, bluesy, trippy, & peddle laden stoner rock at it's finest. Future Classics abound.

Sixty Watt Shaman
"Reason to Live"
Straight up awesome kick-ass stoner rock, with ample fuzz, catchy riffs, & tough, but "singerly" vocals. The Track "Our Name is War" is a highlight. Very awesome tune.


Awesome Classic. Own it. Love it. Don't be lame, you fuck.


" S "

Self Titled & "Smoke Follows Beauty"
Smoke is my current favorite band. I burned both of these discs onto the hard drive of my Mac so that:
) I could hear all of their songs in a row, mixed together sweetly & seamlessly by i-tunes, &
b) so that I could keep the original discs as pristine as possible.
That means I'm a geek for this band. All together, this trio dishes up 13 tracks of heavy, bluesy, stoner rock, cloaked in a thick shroud of mystery, sex depravity, & murder. Awesome vocals, ambient interludes; this shit's got it all. Both discs are still available from the band.


Sonic Flower
"Heavy Sonic & Flower Groove"
Another guitar oriented band from Japan. These guys have some connection to Church of Misery that I'm too stupid to know, and too lazy to find out. They don't sound much like CoM, that much I know. They're an all instrumental 4 piece, and the music sounds a little "by the numbers" to me at times, but it's good heavy groove rock. Not as psychotic as, say, High Rise, but not un-psychotic either.


Sons of Otis
"Temple Ball"
A Stoner Rock classic. An awesome spaced-out jouney into heavy heaven. Skip over track 7, and you'll be orbiting earth in no time.


Space Men 3
"Alternate Mixes 1987 -89"
More mellow than the usual stoner rock stuff I play, but more rockin' than the current strains of space rock I hear these days. They remind me of the Stooges meets Brian Eno, or something like that.


"The Force that Holds Together a Heart Torn to Pieces"
You might think, from the title of this disc, that you're in for some sort of horrible Emo type of experience. But then, you might think, from the band name, the cover artwork, and song titltes like "Strange New Powers" & "Pot Hybernation" that maybe you're in for a trippy droney space-rock ride. But then you might notice that it's produced by Billy Anderson, so you know it's gots to be HEAVY. Well, Spaceboy ain't Emo, that's for sure, and it ain't space-rock either, even though it has some awesome spaced-out moments. This four song EP is very heavy, and abbrasive, and most enjoyable indeed.


Spiritual Beggars
"On Fire"
DAMN. There is SO much good rock and roll from Europe. I didn't even realize, when I bought this CD, that the singer is the guy from Grand Magus, one of my favorite bands of all-time. This disc only sounds like GM sometimes -- "Young Man, Old Soul" for example -- but it rocks from beginning to end. As compared to GM, it's generally faster & funkier, and it has an organ throughout, which I always dig.


The Summer People
Self Titled
You know how with some bands, you can say, like, "They'd be awesome if they only had a better singer..." or "They just need a good producer, or sound guy..." or whatever? Well, The Summer people just need a good artist to do the front cover of their CD to achieve stoner rock greatness. The fuzz bass, psychedelic leads, spacey moments, and Fu Man Chu-y vocals are ALL GOOD & place these guys solidly in the Stoner Rock catagory, but this cover art has indie-rock cut-out bin written all over it. It's a good thing they sent it to me for free, because, even though the tunes rule, I never would have bought it if I saw it in a store. So, don't YOU be fooled by the cover: if you see it, buy it!





Send Material for Review to:

Stu Helm
c/o ChicagoStonerRock.com
1573 N. Milwaukee Ave., PMB 488
Chicago, IL 60622


" TU "

Ten Miles Wide
self titled
These guys are from Canada, so right off the bat I'm jealous that their country has cooler marijuana laws than we do, but I won't hold that against them! Ten Miles Wide totally rock. They're heavy, but not doomy, & they sound a little bit like Tummler to me at times, but not always. "Ol Bluey" is like cowboy stoner rock. "Pilsner" is a heavy instumental highlight here, and "The Bloodening I & II" are two great song titles for two great songs. Each less than 20 seconds long.

Tora! Tora! Torrance!
"A Cynics Nightmare"
Originally, I wasn't going to review this CD, not because I don't like it -- because I do -- but because it's not stoner rock. It's punk, more or less. It's snotty, high pitched, annoying punk rock music at it's most post-punk finest, and therefor, not on target for this here Stoner Rock web site. BUT, then I heard the very last song on the CD, mixed into everything else in my i-tunes folder, and my stoned mind MISTOOK it for Sunn0)))! So, there ya go, that qualifies it for a review. So, I like it, so go buy it.


Tribes of Neurot
"Adaptation & Survival"
This 2 disc CD of droning "insect" noises is meant to be played on two sound systems at the same time, which we did, and it was pretty cool... if you like lots of lots insect noises... which, apparently we do, because we are now drones in the Neurot collective.


Self Titled CDR
These guys list Slayer, Sleep, Celtic Frost, & High on Fire as their influences, and I think they would make any of those bands proud with this 3 song EP. The music really drives hard and drones from time to time, like Sleep's Jerusalem, or HoF's Surrounded by Thieves. The 3rd song on this disc totally kicks ass, and has a very unique & spaced-out ending. Good shit from this Atlanta based trio! I can't wait to hear a full length.


Twin Earth
"Black Stars in a Silver Sky"
This 9 track release from the North Pole contains many a Future Classic within. Of that there is little doubt. One of my all-time favorite discs, I have played this one to death for my roommate, I'm sure. Although as true immortal gods, Twin Earth can surely never die. Mayhap of Kyuss born, they doth yet posses their own awesome powers, & cosmic arsenal. Imbued with the sage wisdom of all ages, they are indeed worthy of much praise. All Hail, Beard of Stars records for releasing & making available to us this mighty volume! All Hail Twin Earth!

" V "

"Transmission from Antiworld"
I'm not 100 percent sure, but I think that this CD was created entirely by one man, & his sonic doom machine. Another droning sound track to the horror movie we call living. I like it because it makes me smile.

" WXY "

Wall of Sleep
"Overlook the All"
Heavy, riffy, stoner doom rock from Hungary. 4 tracks, 2 of which might rank as Future Classics some day. The gratuitous straight forward cover of Sabbath's "The Wizard" is made more interesting by the amusing Hungarian Accent.


Elaborations on Carbon" & "Catharsis"
YOB has one of the most unique sounds going in the Doom scene. With vocal stylings that range in delivery from that of a derranged insect on Mars to Cookie Monster on a downer, and music that is HEAVY, with interludes of spaced-out bliss, YOB brings it all to the Stoner-Drug-Metal party. They even include the sounds of drizzling rain on the first disc, so you have a built-in excuse to stay inside, get high, and listen to YOB all day. We sometimes argue about which of these two releases is better, but the truth is, you should almost always listen to them back-to-back as if they are one CD.

" Z "

Self Titled
These guys will probably cringe when they read this, but I AM lazy, and these ARE lazy music reviews, so I'm just going to say the unavoidable: Zaius sounds like Sound Garden. Almost exactly! So, if you like Sound Garden -- and we do like Sound Garden -- you'll love Zaius. In fact, I'm jealous of every kid that grew up in & around Herrin, Illinois, because it would be like growing up with Sound Garden in your home town, and that would fucking rule. These guys are proud founding members of SIMC.

Zebulon Pike
Self Titled CDR
Five songs, no vocals, ALL GOOD. These guys almost sound like Black Sabbath never replaced Ozzy, but decided to become an instrumental band. Really great riffs, really awesome song titles such as (Behold!) The Wizzard's Fountain, The White Light of Black Stars, & Ümlaüt Överdöse, and no really stupid lyrics to ruin the rock.
